Konso has a wide network of cooperation partners in Latvia and abroad. Our partner network includes enterprises, research and higher education establishments, state and municipal institutions and non-governmental organizations. Company also cooperates with other enterprises whose competence and skills in synergy with Konso expertise promotes development. Multilateral cooperation is being implemented within the formal and non-formal cooperation networks.

Company has initiated the development of two clusters and participates in their activities:

Vidzeme High-Quality and Healthy Food Cluster

Vidzeme High-quality and healthy food cluster was established in 2010. Irīna Kulitāne, member of the Board of Konso Ltd, initiated its establishment of the cluster, coordinated its development process and at present actively participates in planning and implementation of cluster development activities. Cluster joins 15 enterprises, 5 research institutions, 3 professional associations, and public institution “Vidzeme Planning Region”.

Objective of the cluster is facilitating cooperation and knowledge transfer among enterprises, organizations, higher education establishments and research institutions, in order to promote the production of healthy and high-quality food and its sales in Latvia and abroad.


Organic Farming Technology Development Cluster

Organic farming technology development cluster is a micro cluster and it joins a number of enterprises and research institutions.

Objective of the cluster activities is to advance development and introduction of environment and human friendly products and technologies. Members of the cluster carry out activities as a result of which new organic food farming products and technologies are introduced into industrial organic farming. Testing of products continues and sales have been initiated.

Information about the products can be found here.

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